Monday, April 8, 2013

Love Canal Report- Spencer Dunlop

Do you believe that environmental crises affect you/your family today?

1. I think that Water pollution is an environmental crisis because the entire food web depends on clean water to live. Contaminated water causes cancer and algae blooms that kill aquatic life. Plus, water is considered a fundamental human right, but many people in communities lack safe drinking water, swim near contaminated beaches and live near polluted flood waters.
2. I think that Global warming is the worst crisis we have now because it is melting glaciers haha. We have to deal as a family and not move close to the water for the future.
3. This is easily air pollution. We have to breathe that daily. My children have to breathe it.
4. Chemicals like in your article, they are destroying our water supply. Think about rivers in Russia, where I am from.
5.Chemicals for me as well. I think that the ocean is beautiful and it is being destroyed because people let chemicals into the ocean to kill it. My family lives in Florida so they have to deal with ocean pollution a lot.
6.Chemicals affect my family a lot. I work in a factory and breathe them a lot but if I found out we disposed of them in a bad way I would report it to keep America safe.
7.Air pollution is bad. My family can even see how gross it is and what hey have ot breathe, that’s wrong.
8.Air pollution is a current tragedy and affects everyone in the world. We in the USA have a little protection, but people in China, they deal with 10x what we deal with. That’s gross.
9.Global warming- Alaska fish move and make my job harder because glaciers are melting.
10.Chemicals- we drink the water and it sounds like it is gross haha

Were you aware that environmental tragedies of this magnitude still exist today?
I was aware to an extent of the tragedies that occurred in the world today but I wasn’t aware of the magnitude they affected people. I have heard about Global warming and chemical problems in the world because of businesses doing sketchy things but I didn’t know that they truly affected people like the Love Canal report showed they did. If I had I would take more time to learn about them and watch for my future family’s safety and be cautious on what I eat and where I live.

Environmental tragedies still exist today; what can we do today to mitigate these problems.
I believe the best thing we can do to stop these tragedies is to increase awareness. We must teach these things in school and make sure that people realize what is happening. The way to help stop them is to make sure everyone knows because if many people know about it, someone will do something and everyone else will follow and stop them.

In your opinion are environmental hazards something we should be concerned about on a daily basis.
I believe the main hazard we should be concerned about is air pollution. This affects everyone because we all have to breath and the areas it affects, the most people live in. Urban areas are becoming unsafe for people to live in because the air is so nasty and gross. The reason I believe this is the biggest hazard we have because we don’t have many regulations on it and all it is doing is getting worse. We have no way of making it better.

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