Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Jon Conde - Love Canal

I posted the video Deepwater Disaster - BP Oil Spill on Facebook and asked my friends watch at least a part of it and asks them to share their thoughts about how Environmental Disasters still happen today.

Krystal Rogers McMillan It's crazy how these things still happen, and really sad for those effected.

Rebecca Stockton Crisis like these are pretty few and far between in my opinion but that doesn't mean they aren't serious. I think it's hard for us to prevent them because it seems like each one is something new and it's hard to predict the future.

Sean Hyland I think we are all susceptible to these kinds of disasters effecting us and we have a responsibility to do our best to protect our families from these kinds of things.

Emily Scholl This was pretty bad! Hope it doesn't happen again!

David Sweeney People just need to realize we live in a crazy world and we can't control everything. Are we willing to give up our fuel to avoid these kinds of tragedies? Seems like no.

Natasha Ptashne Seriously I hear yuh !

Sean Patrick Cué Dude, I don't even know, I've never lived through anything like this but it's kinda B.S. how it took so long to respond and fix it.

Gina Shumway Oil needs to be more regulated.

Pat Loughlin The wildlife was hurt to much, that's what makes me mad.

Chris Barnes I think it's pretty ridiculous that we, as tax payers, have to pay for clean-ups like this. We are already in debt and now we have to deal with things like this going on, it's just stupid. There should be harsher penalties to prevent these kinds of accidents so companies will be forced to act right.

My Answers: 

Environmental tragedies still exist today; what can we do today to mitigate these problems?
- At the same time it's hard to predict what can go wrong, I think implementing higher standards and allocating harsher penalties to those who breach the rules or cause an accident can effectively help prevent environmental hazards like these. This would make those who create or use hazardous materials investigate possible accidents that can happen and not simply relying on the current laws to protect them.

In your opinion are environmental hazards something we should be concerned about on a daily basis?
- Individually, no. As a government and as a company or corporation that deals with hazardous materials, yes. I think in government, promoting the common defense applies to chemical hazards witch can do just as much harm as war and corporations have a responsibility to protect their consumers from waste created by them, especially now that people are more conscious and are willing to boycott products which they deem unhealthy.
Why should we care about something that happened over 30 years ago?
- The love canal is a perfect example of why we should be worried about things that happened years ago. Those Chemicals and other hazardous substances can effect us if they aren't stored properly and even if they are, rust and corrosions can cause these substances to resurface and cause harm to individuals.

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