Environmental /occupational-Love Canal
I posted an article about an oil spill that happened in
Montana in the summer of 2011. Here are
some of my answers to the questions:
I don’t feel like some of these environmental hazards
affect my family on a day-to-day basis. If I lived somewhere else then they
might, but I feel like they don’t affect my family personally.
I do think that we should be concerned about
environmental hazards on a day-to-day basis. They do happen and can cause some
serious issues and health problems.
I think we should care about things that
happened 30 years ago. It’s important to see how far we have come with
environmental issues and I think that we have learned from those experiences
and mistakes.
Here are some of the reactions I received from my article
and the love canal article. I asked the
In your opinion are environmental hazards something we should be
concerned about on a daily basis?
-I think it's a good idea to have these things in the back of
your mind because the prevention of environmental disasters is much better than
cleaning up after they have happened. We just can't be paranoid of everything
happening because there are things that we're not going to be able to control.
-It’s always a good idea to be mindful about the environment. I
feel that with more careful consideration towards the environment we would
benefit a lot in the long run. Our lives are run by money and we sometimes
forget about the hazards that exist. Prevention should be something that we all
spend more time on.
-I agree with my colleagues. I think we ought to be mindful of
the possibilities of environmental disasters, but only to a reasonable degree.
Where that line should be drawn, I simply cannot say. But prevention is a
wonderful thing, and we can take simple and inexpensive steps to effectively
safeguard against many incidents. Accidents. Whichever it is. In the end, I'd
say in most cases it's worth it to be cautious because the repercussions of
these disasters are terrible and end up being expensive to take care of anyway.
-The long run economic cost of clean up is astronomical compared
with proper prevention. The mega corporations, like Exxon, make billions of
dollars in profit and can afford to cover the cost of following regulations and
implementation of preventative measures. We have one earth to live on. Keep it
clean. Yes we should always be concerned. History has proven that corporate
executives makes choices that are profit centered and in no way holistically -
community - environmentally centered. This effects not only our personal
environment, but our physical and emotional health. Many long-term studies have
been done in connection to various environmental disasters. Make a point of
reading a few of these vs news reports.
-So my Pathophysiology class officially scared the daylights out
of me and since then I am ALL FOR tree-hugging green-loving goodness. (No
Rachel this does not mean I am going to buy organic with you now) but I do
think it's important to take better care of the environment and avoid obvious
toxins. Thinking about the environment daily in the long run isn't going to
hurt, only help.
-I think it’s a good thing for SOME people to be concerned with
on a daily basis. I'm not going to deny that we could care for the planet
better, and clean up and prevention should be addressed, but honestly, ME
worrying about it isn’t going to change much. i don’t even drive. But there is
a need for small group - as opposed to EVERYONE - of professionals that
dedicate their lives to teaching the public and working to conserve natural
resources. I think it could be compared to the police. Crime is something we
should all be concerned with everyday, but only a few professionals actually
dedicate their lives to preventing and fighting it. So it is with environmental
issues. its not to be ignored, but we as a general public really don’t have to
stress about it beyond doing our small part.
-No. Just like our national debt, we should leave this stress
and worrying to our children. Like a large-scale game of hot potato. With
people's lives.
-I say yes all the way! We shouldn't let it continuously maintain
our thoughts, but it is the difference of waiting to through your trash in a
trash can or simply chucking it out of the window. Because a McDonald's bag is
an environmental hazard in my book, it reminds me of the movie Wall-E.
Hazardous materials affect the lives of the people, forcing them to leave
Earth. It is kind of extreme, but you know it probably could happen.
Ultimately, like in the movie, if we don't take action to prevent these
substances from ruining our world, our world will not be able to recover fast
enough from the damages. Thus, in the end our world won't be able to meet our
needs as humans so we will leave for Mars just some of my random thoughts..
-I'm going to disagree with Abby, these things are random and
there is no way to predict them. So worrying about it on a daily basis is a
good way to a heart attack. We can do our part by talking to our
representatives to help them increase regulations.
-Often times we sit in our communities and think we are exempt
from such crazy disasters... but do we really know for sure? The nature of this
issue is far reaching. Although at our age there is not a whole lot we can do,
we can take part one day in prevention. Our generation will enter the business
world and be making decisions of whether to deal with our products the honest
way or the easy way. We could potentially maintain the waste problem to what it
is now. As far as taking care of the messes that have already been made, I
think it will take a group of educated and equipped individuals to protect the
nation. A new brand of super-heroes of sorts. Want to save the world? Try
public health
-The environment is God's creation, and we need to do our best
to take care of it! It is our duty to keep it clean. No one likes to live in
filth. We can do our part by always throwing away our garbage, and scheduling
clean-up days where everyone picks up extra trash!
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