I posted about the toxic in South Korea that happened in October last year. Along with the Love Canal video.
Please (choose 1 of the following) read the article/ watch the following movie clip. Were you aware that environmental tragedies of this magnitude still exist today?
Comment Responses.
1)Wow, I had no idea about either of these!
2) The Love Canal video is actually kind of scary....I wonder how many places exist like this around the world that we have no idea about. I’ve heard that in the Salt Lake Valley we have a really high miscarriage rate an article I read blamed the tailing's of the Kennecott mine. I wonder if its true.
3) Such sad stories.
4) Thank goodness for the government and building codes. I think now days we are better at avoiding things like this. Especially in the U.S.
5) Without the past we’d never learn from our mistakes!
6) Watching that video made me realize the effect the environment has on me. I had no idea that buried chemicals could have that effect.
7) After I saw that youtube I search for more information. Wow, so many people hurt and lives ruined from that event.
8) I wonder how many hazardous sites are unknown to the people that live on them or around them. I’m sure there are millions around the world! I’m definitely going to remember this story when I buy a house. I’ve heard of radon gases, but this brings it to a whole new level.
9) The chemical plant in South Korea blew up and they don’t know why? Something sounds fishy. 3,200 people visited the hospital after! That’s a whole lot of hurt people from that chemical explosion.
10)Harmful chemicals are all around us, in the foods we eat, in the air we breath, in the soda we drink etc. I wish we could avoid them altogether, but we can’t so we have to conscious about where we are and what we ingest and breath. We can’t take ourselves out of the world. We just have to make yourself aware and avoid those harmful things.
My own reaction to 3 of the questions.
1) Environmental tragedies still exist today; what can we do today to mitigate these problems.
We can do a number of things to mitigate this problems. First have higher building standards. Require soil test, air quality, history of the property. Inspections required for businesses especially those that deal with harmful substances in mass quantities. We can be aware of our surroundings and the history behind them. Education is also vital, if you don’t know something is harmful why would you avoid it? Teach kids in school, and have government agencies that promote learning about how and why environmental tragedies happen and how to stop them once they do happen. The last thing we can do is to learn from that past, study what has happened and try to make sure it doesn’t ever happen again.
2)In your opinion are environmental hazards something we should be concerned about on a daily basis.
Yes and no. Yes in the fact we should always try to be aware and avoid hazards around us. No, because I do not believe we should live our lives in fear. A balance should be found between the two. Seek out knowledge to see if your surrounding and family are safe. Don’t over obsess about it.
3)Why should we care about something that happened over 30 years ago?
I think this is kind of silly question. We should care about things that happened 30 years ago because they can still affect us today. Just because it happened in the past it doesn’t mean it will stay in the past. We need to be conscious of the past and learn from the mistakes that happened then. If we don’t the same trials and tribulations that those in the past went through we might also have to go through. In order for us to avoid some unnecessary heartache and trials we need to study and learn from the past.
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