Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Brenda Salinas - Love Canal Report

Love Canal Report:

The modern day article of an environmental disaster was about the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011.

Along with the Love Canal Tragedy article and the article about the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, I also posted the question, “In your opinion are environmental hazards something we should be concerned about on a daily basis?”  Here are some comments I received:

1.     “I think that we should definitely be concerned with environmental hazards but maybe not everyday because these environmental disasters (Fukushima and Love Canal) are very extreme. We should work really hard in preventing these big, destructive tragedies though.”
2.     “Environmental disasters like these are very scary and we should definitely work harder to prevent them for the sake of future generations.”
3.     “If we were more concerned with preventing environmental hazards then maybe some of these could have been prevented.”
4.     “I don’t think it is necessary to worry about it on a daily basis. We should worry about protecting the earth from these disasters but worrying about it wont necessarily change anything.”
5.     “Oh, I don’t know. This is a hard one. I guess being brief and to the point, I would say it depends. If your habits are very destructive and detrimental then yes, you should worry more about preventing environmental hazards by changing some of your bad habits but if not then why worry. Just keep doing what you are doing.”
6.     “The fact that there are still issues with the Fukushima Nuclear disaster proves the point that it is better to prevent disasters than to try and solve them later.”
7.     “Wow, this is really scary. We should definitely worry more about preventing environmental disasters because they affect more than we think. They affect the environment and people. Are we really willing to put all of this on the line?”
8.     “We need to take into account how our decisions affect future generations! If we take certain measures to avert potential environmental disasters, we can be assured of a better outlook for generations to come.”
9.     “No, I don’t think we should do it on a daily basis. I think it’s good to be aware of natural and environmental disasters, but talk is just talk. If we want things to change we must act.”
10.  “Yes! We are stewards of the earth therefore we must do everything in our power to protect it.”

My own reactions:
1.     Were you aware that environmental tragedies of this magnitude still exist today?
Yes, I was aware that environmental tragedies of this magnitude still occurred today. It is very hard to prevent these problems because there are so many factors in environmental tragedies. Even if we do everything we can to prevent them, they can still occur.
2.     Do you believe that environmental crises affect you/your family today?
Yes, environmental crises affect my family and me because they can occur anywhere and at anytime. Even if they don’t affect us directly, they do so in other ways. They move us to create an impact and to prevent them in the future.
3.     Environmental tragedies still exist today; what can we do today to mitigate these problems?
To mitigate these problems, steps on both the macro and micro scales must be taken. On the macro scale, stricter legislation laws concerning the environment must be improved. On the micro scale, individuals should change their habits in order to better improve the chances of preventing environmental disasters worldwide.

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