Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Jessica Parke
HLTH 100
Love Canal Report
Collected Comments

#1).  I am appalled at the damage  and devastation done by the oil spill.  Are there any rules or regulations applied to assure the safe  operations of the oil companies?  I would be so livid if my child were to get sick like that lady's son because of the lack of information and regulations given to the builders of the school on the Love Canal.

#2). No question--the oil spill had a great effect on the environment and the economy in that area.  However, those pictures were taken two and a half years ago and it would be interesting to see how the land has recovered in that length of time.  Nature has a way of recovering itself over time. Oil companies and industry in the past have had a poor record of taking care of the environment and trying to cover their tracks.  Similar situations as this have  taken place in the past in Idaho at the INEL costing milliions of dollars to clean up.

#3). Love canal: So sad! I'm glad that they have it figured out now, but that's so hard on those who were affected and won't ever be able to recover from it. Oil spill: It's crazy how much damage that can do- to the people, the land, and wildlife alike.

#4). Very interesting and sad. I wasn't able to watch the video because I'm in a lab with no headphones but I really liked the articles. I feel that the environment needs to be protected. I have no problem using the resources for our use but I do feel that some situations could have been handled more efficiently. Some things you can't control and just have to plan better to avoid further disasters, but other things you can avoid. I feel that BP should have just come out and taken responsibility and worked with America to fix the oil spill but however I do feel that America worked to handle it efficiently. I know these are quite generic posts so please let me know if you need more specifics. I lived in Louisiana right after The Spill and I was REALLY surprised that there was not more damage, and complaint about it.

#5). Oh my goodness, this is frightening. It made me consider where we live right now and the places we have previously lived to think if they were safe....the problem is, we may never know.  It seems like there are so many large business companies who are dishonest and really don't care about the future outcome if they are nowhere around to be harmed by it.  Scary!  

#6). Oh my gosh! That is super scary!!!! I would probably move if my family was there!

My Comments

I can’t believe things like this are still happening today. It makes me so sad that people can be so careless. I think it is very important to get the word out, and get involved so we can work together to stop these sorts of things from happening, and protect our families and communities. 

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