Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Louis Kim: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill & Love Canal Environmental Tragedy


How do environmental tragedies affect you on a daily basis? Why should we care about them?

Although the location of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill may be far away from where I am living currently, environmental tragedies constantly affect me on a daily basis. The oil spill specifically target those who consume seafood on a regular basis. Coming from an Asian country, I love seafood. For most of the meals, my mother always prepared seafood as a side dish. After knowing that has happened three years ago, I am becoming more hesistant about consuming delicious seafood that are freshly caught in the States. Especially, fishes from the Gulf Coast and Atlantic Ocean are more likely to be contaminated with harmful contaminants. Moreover, a recent epidemiological study has shown that more deformed fishes and other sea creatures are born. We should care about them because we are also in danger, both health wise and economically.

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