Hoi Kiu Tong
Now that you know that the environmental disasters still affects us today, what can you do to mitigate these problems? Or what can you change, or act in, to make a difference towards the rectification of Environmental disasters?
1) I don't really know...haven't thought much about it. I guess the best thing I can do to contribute is to be willing to provide financial help?
2) This is so scary to think about!! I can't even imagine my reaction to another potential disaster, much less think about what I can to do rectify it, but I imagine I would want to help in anyway I can.
3) I think the most important thing to provide is love towards all the victims...
4) I am a big believer of doing all we can for an hurt environment, so I guess my choice would be to get down and dirty, trying to fix the environment problems, like the people we doing for the spilled oil and gasoline in the bays of Italy.
5) Why have I never heard of the Love Canal before?? This is so horrifying. I don't know what I would do to fix it, but I sure do know what I want for the people who decided it was a morally right thing to do in the first place...
6) In the case of environmental disasters, I think the best way to help is to try to find a way to prevent them in the first place. Of course disasters are often unplanned, and accidental, the problem and issue of the Love Canal wasn't, and finding a way to prevent companies from spreading the hazards material in the first place would have prevented a lot of problems. =(
7) This is so crazy... Now that I know how much these disasters actually affect me, maybe next time something like this happen, I will treat it more seriously, and try to find solutions. =/
8) I don't know what I would do...I mean, maybe do my best to make sure I am keeping the environment clean? I don't see how much more I can do to change, affect, or mitigate these situations. I want them to stop, but I am just one guy.
9) Wow! That is horrifying! how can some people be that cruel? I think all I would do to people like them is to punch them in their faces. =(
10) I think that the best way we can help is by making sure people out there knows there is a issue with the rectification of environmental disasters, and maybe if the word was spread far enough, somebody out there with more influence will hear it, and try to change it!
My Responses:
Were you aware that environmental tragedies of this magnitude still
exist today?
- I wasn't fully aware that these things still happened today, but I definitely knew that there are environmental problems everywhere that needs to be fixed. Sometimes I think I rather stay in the dark then know, because it just hurts my heart too much to know the actual truth.
- To what degree do environmental tragedies affect you/your family on a
day to basis?
- These disasters affect my family every day by just giving us the knowledge that somebody out there is way worse off then we are, with families having children with severe birth effects, and knowing that there are places where people live that doesn't even have water to drink from! My family has been very fortunate never to have been in situation like those, and I think that by knowing there are still such terrible environmental tragedies happening, it really breaks our hearts.
- In your opinion are environmental hazards something we should be
concerned about on a daily basis.
- In my opinion these things are absolutely something we should be concern about every single day. These environmental hazards are very dangerous, and if we don't know about them, and understand the danger they can cause, we can never protect ourselves, and our families if anything should ever happen. our knowledge and concern about these hazards only make our lives safer, and more prepare for an emergency to happen. we just can't think that because it hasn't happened to us yet, we don't need to be worried or concerned about it. That is the thinking that would get us in serious trouble in the end.
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