Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Devrie Rozsa

I shared the following article about droughts in Africa with ten people then recorded their responses to the following question: Environmental tragedies still exist today; what can we do today to mitigate these problems?
1. We need to raise awareness about those starving in Africa. If we get enough people to know about the situation there, then fund raisers could be held to get them the supplies they need. With the help of the community, we may be able to change the lives of the people there.
2. Raise awareness of the bad environmental situations
3. Eliminate global warming to eliminate the drought
4. Send aid; provide them with supplies to help them decrease the negative effects of bad environmental situations. Environmental disasters are much easier to handle when one is prepared with supplies.
5. Food drives!! J J
6. We could raise funds to send them water purifiers
7. We could work to have well organized relief efforts that could rapidly respond to crises and work on the economic relief of those countries so that they wouldn’t be poverty stricken in the first place
8. The best thing to do in the face of environmental tragedies is to be prepared. The Africans should have had a backup water supply to keep them going during times of drought.
9. Sometimes we need to be blunt and raise awareness through heart breaking photos. The photos in the article were enough to make me want to do something. Spread the word.
10. Recycle our resources. We waste so many supplies for no particular reason. If we reuse what we already have, then we can save time, money, and resources to focus our efforts in other areas of environmental issues that need more attention.

In your opinion are environmental hazards something we should be concerned about on a daily basis.
Yes. Accidents happen all the time and there is no way that we can foresee them. All we can do is be prepared for environmental hazards to happen at any moment. So long as we are thoroughly prepared, we should be able to cope with natural disasters. If we don’t regard it on a daily basis and always make sure we have a plan to handle these issues then we will be at constant risk.
Why should we care about something that happened over 30 years ago?
For lack of a better cliché, history tends to repeat itself. Just because something happened thirty years ago this does not mean that it can’t happen again. If it does happen again, then past happenings are of great importance to us so we can learn how to deal with it. We can see what worked and what didn’t when the event happened previously. Then we can choose the best plan of action to get us out of bad situations.
How do environmental tragedies affect you on a daily basis? Why should we care about them?
Environmental tragedies affect me on a daily basis because there is always the constant threat that these terrible things could happen to me and my family personally. It is so tragic to hear about the negative effects of environmental tragedies in other people’s lives. We should care about them because they could impact our lives in such a huge way.

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