Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Natalie Jones- Love Canal

I posted the love canal video and an article about the emerging health effects of the oil spill in Arkansas.
I posted the question, were you aware that environmental tragedies of this magnitude still exist today?

1.  I had no idea this was going on!
2.  I knew oil spills and things like this happened, but I never really thought about how they affected people's health.
3.  This is awful!  It makes me scared that something like this could happen to people and not be able to do anything about it.
4.  It's sad that people don't have control over this and that it could happen to anyone!
5.  I knew gross stuff happened, but not to that magnitude.
6.  Very interesting.  I thought there was better control over stuff like that.
7.  Whoa crazy! That sucks.  People need to be more aware of things like this so we can stop tragedies in the future.
8.  It's sad because most people just assume that they are safe and nothing like this could happen in their area, and that is what we all hope.  But there is a lack of awareness in society that these things can and do happen in many communities.
9.  People aren't concerned about these things because they just aren't aware of them.  I don't raise my family in fear of toxic waste and pollution because it hasn't directly affected us.
10.  This is so sad.  It makes me both grateful that nothing like this has happened to me or my family but also scared because anyone could be next and we just aren't aware or have control over it.

My response to questions:
In your opinion are environmental hazards something we should be concerned about on a daily basis?
After watching and reading about the love canal tragedy and others, I think it is something we should be aware of.  We can take precautions in our own communities depending on the area's specific risks so we are prepared.  I don't think this is something we should live in fear over, though.

Were you aware that environmental tragedies of this magnitude still exist today?
I was aware that oil spills and things happened, but because they never directly affected me I never paid much attention.  It wasn't until I did this research that I realized how serious these tragedies were and how often they happen.

Why should we care about something that happened over 30 years ago?
We should care because it can happen again.  Environmental tragedies do happen now and being aware of these can help us prevent them in the future.

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