Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hand Drying

Cecilia Burwasser
This photo represents Public Health because it reminds me that I must dry my hands after washing them. It is important to dry wet hands because the bacteria left over is more easily spread in a moist environment. Wash and dry your hands!

Healthy Vending Machine Options=Public Health

Shannon Daniels
This picture represents public health to me. Usually, vending machines generally sell unhealthy food options. However, this vending machine offers fruit, vegetables, wheat bread, and yogurt. All of these are healthy options and allow people to choose healthier options if they are in a rush.

Dumpster = Public Health

Fernando Silva
This is a dumpster in the back of one of my favorite restaurants, one of the reasons that I like to go there is because of it's clean atmosphere.  A proper disposal of garbage contribute to the the overall health of our society and cleanliness of our planet.  By practicing proper garbage disposal we are also creating a nicer looking environment.  Garbage can then go to landfills and biodegrade in a place designed specifically for that. 

Hand Sanitizer = Public Health

This is one of the hand sanitizer dispensers that are located in all (or almost all) of the bathrooms across campus. This defines public health for me because grabbing some germ-x before walking out of the door and then using it after touching the door handle is an easy and effective way to cut down on sharing germs. It's a convenient way for everyone to play a part in the prevention of disease.

Camille Hunsaker

Self service crossing guards

At crosswalks that don't have stop lights to stop traffic, these flags are there to assist pedestrians as they cross the street. These flags help keep people safe and healthy by allowing them to be visible to oncoming vehicles. I believe crossing guard flags define public health, because they are there to help keep the public safe when they cross the street. -Nathan Stoneking

Traffic signs=Public Health

Stephen Asay
This sign represents an effort to help people make choices that will preserve their health, which to me is the essence of public health.  Each year thousands of injuries result from car accidents that could have been avoided had seat belts been used.  Signs like this encourage good behavior and improve public health.

Operation Smile 5k = Public Health

A great way to prevent, or at least stay healthier longer, is to be active.  This race will increase the health of all those who are participating, and it will increase the health of those children in which operation smile will help.  By running we can improve our own local public health, and we can improve the public health of another location at the same time!  It's a win-win situation!   Jeffrey Stancliffe

Bike Racks=Public Health

Bicycle racks represent public health to me.  They improve environmental health by encouraging bicycles as a mode of transportation, rather than cars.  They also promote the health of people in the community by promoting bicycle transportation, offering an easy way to exercise, rather than sitting in a car or bus.
Leah Blight

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Parks = Public Health

Parks encourage individuals and families to be active. This particular park has tennis courts, jungle gyms and lots of room to be active. Parks help encourage and give the opportunity for a healthy lifestyle and they are free. - Brandt Bettilyon

Libraries=Public Health

I chose the Provo City Library because the books and other library resources can help people in their educational pursuits. A person’s amount of education can be a factor impacting their health. Also, a library is a great place to find correct and credible information concerning health. Libraries are a great asset to communities. Heather Johnson

Sidewalks-->Healthier Future

The sidewalks underneath my feet illustrate Public Health. They allow people to walk, skateboard, and run safely without having to worry about cars. They are paved paths that lead us to the Creamery, to your friends' apartment, to class, and ultimately, to a healthier future.  ~Nicala Wood
Extra Credit assignment!- Cameron Haas

My Sticker Campaign!

Rachel Rupp
 I decided to put the sticker here because I think that the protection of our environment plays a major role in public health. The more we recycle, the better our environment becomes. A cleaner environment promotes a healthier life for all of its inhabitants!

Hand Sanitizer- Cameron Gabriel

Hand sanitizer is an important part of public health-- especially in a computer lab where many hands from who knows where touch, sneeze, and cough all over computer mice, keyboards, and monitor. It kills the germs that cause sickness to the members of our BYU community. Thank you hand sanitizer for all you do to keep us safe.
Cameron Gabriel

This is Public Health - Whistle

All freshmen girls at Brigham Young University were given these whistles to use in case of an emergency of a predator. They have been referred to by the girls as "rape whistles." This is public health, as it keeps girls safe and protected while walking at night especially.

Taryn Ekins
I figured Professor Fugal would enjoy this one. The Utah County Health and Justice Department provides free Breastfeeding classes. These classes provide awareness of the health benefits of breastfeeding new born children. It also provides instruction on appropriate methods and general education for maternal care. I enjoyed this assignment so much that I thought I'd post a second occasion. More Utahns die from prescription drug overdoses each year than from car crashes. By providing a safe disposal of leftover medications, Utah county is reducing the number of fatalities due to pill overdoses. They had booths to receive the medication at the Macy's and Smith's in Provo and provided free cookies as incentive.

Cameron Haas

Friday, September 28, 2012

Raising a Healthy Generation = Public Health

Public Health to me is raising up a generation that isn't held back by health related issues.  It is teaching people to stay active (as pictured above), eat healthy, and take any other measures that will help prevent disease so that we have healthy bodies that can actually do things. It is what makes it possible for children to play, for athletes to participate in sports, and for people to do the day to day activities that are vital to our existence.
Allyson Holmes

Hand Washing= Public Health

This notice for people to wash their hands when they leave the bathroom represents public health.  As people wash their hands, less germs and potential diseases are spread.  Additionally, as people take accountability for their actions, they not only promote health in their lives, but also all those that they come in contact with.
Jennie Moon

Walking and Grass = Public Health

For two reasons this represents public health. The first is because most Americans are not getting enough physical activity. By not cutting through the grass and instead walking around on the sidewalks, we will be adding more steps to meet the recommended number of 10,000/day. The second reason is because green spaces are an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, adhering to the signs allows the grass to grow and positively impact our physical and mental health.
-Lauren Stanford

Poster Extra Credit

Lauren Stanford

Zombie Poster Extra Credit

Zombie preparedness kits!

Caitlyn Shockey

Restaurant Bathrooms=Public Health

This sign helps promote Public Health in two ways.  First, it obviously reminds the employes working at the restaurant to wash their hands before going to work with the food that we will later be eating!  It also helps the public's health because when normal customers see this sign after using the restroom, they too will be reminded to wash their hands before eating.  CDC reported that if more people routinely washed their hands, up to a million deaths could be stopped a year!

Caitlyn Shockey

Handrails= Public Health

Handrails represent public health, because they promote the safety of the people that walk down the stairs. They also represent public health because they are touched by so many different people that those that use it need to remember to wash their hands after touching it.
Andi Smiley 

Zombie Extra Credit

Zombie preparedness kits.

Lindsay Hall

Fire Extinguishers are Public Health

Fire extinguishers are public health. They are a requirement of all public buildings and are there to protect and prevent injury and damage. Most of the time they go unnoticed until they are needed. But it is a public health service that has the potential to prevent damages from fire and save life's. This is just one example of a how public health flies under the radar until they really needed.

Lindsay Hall

Landscape Design= Public Health

Public Health is found in all sorts of careers; landscape design is an example of the use of public health in their field. As shown in this picture, this tree was either planted or preserved in this public area not only for beauty but to renew our air, increasing our health in society. Landscape designers will use other means to improve public health besides increasing the amount of trees and other plants; for instance, a large focus is creating parks and resorts where the landscaping helps improve mental health.

Andrea Wilson

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Get a Kit, Make a Plan, Be Prepared. 
Or the Zombies will get you. 

Jennifer Meek

Buckle Up... We Care

What is Public Health? Helping the Public be Healthy. Road signs are a way to help all drivers follow the same rules to eliminate injuries caused by automobile accidents. To further the safety in cars an additional sign has been posted to buckle up. According to the Division of Motor Vehicles "Approximately 35,000 people die in motor vehicle crashes each year. About 50 percent (17,000) of these people could be saved if they wore their safety belts." This sign is intended to help more people remember to BUCKLE UP!
John Krebs 

Awareness/Public Transport Public Health

Kimberly Pellegrini
The fist picture is of a billboard on Geneva Road warning of activity on the railroad (it says: Now Zipping Past Traffic. Watch For High Speed Test Trains), and the second is the railroad crossing sign next to the billboard (I tried to get the sticker up to the billboard... it wasn't gonna happen). This is public health because 1) It is promoting awareness about the danger of more trains passing by, and 2) The trains they are testing are for commuters going up to Salt Lake. When the trains come, there will be less people driving individually to work and therefore less cars at risk of accidents and less pollution.

Walk Sign= Public Health

Alyson Johnson
This walk sign represents public health in three ways-- First, it represents getting physical activity by pedestrians walking or biking to school instead of riding in a car or bus. Second, if cars choose to pay attention to this sign they are helping the public and government by following the law. Third, if both cars and pedestrians use this sign appropriately they ensure physical safety for themselves and others that may be around.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Public Pool Regulation = Public Health

Sadie Neves

Regulation and rule awareness is definitely a example of public health. In order for the public pools to be sanitary and safe for everyone, the rules must be known so they can be followed. This ensures that swimming the public pools is an enjoyable experience for everyone. When these rules are followed, the public can be assured that the chances of diseases being spread are lower, that chances of swimming accidents such as drowning are lower, and chances of physical injury are lower.  Thus, everyone enjoys a dip in the pool!

This is Public Health Sticker: Jacob Moeller

     This vending machine is Public Health. Vending machines like this one provide refrigerated, easily accessible healthy snacks as alternatives to junk food in the other vending machines. Machines like this one on campus have fresh sandwiches, apples, cheese, and vegetables. With obesity a growing problem in the US, small things like healthy vending machines add up to form a healthier America.
Jacob Moeller
The zombies roam the halls of Glenwood this Halloween..

James Nish

Laboratory Safety Signs = Public Health

Brenton Smith
Laboratory Safety signs are an excellent example of public health and occupational health safety. OSHA(Occupational Safety and Health Administration) regulates all laboratories and chemicals. Everybody that enters the lab have access to the types hazards there are in the lab and can make the appropriate safety procedures to make sure they do not get harmed. A big sign reminding those who enter to wear safety goggles is also another example of public health.

The Sewer System =Public Health

Keturah Slaugh
The sewer system to me defines public health because it keep our streets clean and keeps our environment a good place to live in.  I remember reading a description of the streets in the United States before sewer systems once and I was unsurprised when this was followed by a description of the poor living conditions and rampant diseases.  I then realized how much cleaner we are here and how blessed we are to have a public health system that keeps the streets from running with filth.  Sewers help benefit public health by giving us a safe place to send our waste so that we can keep our streets and drinking water supplies clean.

Pregnancy Planning and Preperation = Public Health

The picture is of my sister Lindsay who is pregnant with a baby girl and due in less than 2 months! This represents public health because she took the necessary steps to plan (get married) and prepare (take vitamins, etc.) for her pregnancy so that she could have the healthiest baby possible, and then have the means to care for it. Essentially, this is public health because planning and preparing for a baby reduces infant mortality rates and results in healthier children.

Melissa Bills

Zombie Poster Extra Credit

This was somewhat of a morbid addition to the announcement wall of our kitchen, but I like it! Go zombies!!

Ben Wright

Zombie Poster Extra Credit

Leah Blight
Poster Extra Credit

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Annie Bartlome:This is Public Health

Annie Bartlome
Public Health: This is Public Health
Go Green Reusable Shopping Bags

Go Green Reusable shopping bags is an excellent example of public and environmental health in our community. It reduces the plastic/paper shopping bag production as well as the litter that can be produced from it. This is a way to better the environment which as a result will better the public health in our community and world.

This is Public Health

Not only is it important to provide information to the public, but also the tools to accomplish better overall public health.

Matthew Gress

CDC Zombie Extra Credit

Happy Halloween!

Katelyn Dempsey
HLTH 100 Extra Credit Assignment

Monday, September 24, 2012

Zombie Poster

Jacob Moeller
Public Health Extra Credit Assignment

Fire Hazards

There has been an unbelievable amount of fire hazards this summer! This is public health preventing and controlling anymore fires from starting. Fires cause harm to the environment and our air quality. Fires also cause physical and emotional stress, especially if it catches onto homes!

--Kelsey Badger

Extra Credit Kyle Willman

Kyle Willman

Get a Kit. Make a Plan

“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains.” 
 Seth Grahame-Smith, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Cecilia Burwasser

Emergency Preparedness - Even on BYU campus

*Sorry it's backwards, my camera was being crazy*
This is on the hill on the south of campus, it's a great example of how BYU is trying to keep us students safe on campus. Hopefully we would never have to use it of course, but better safe than sorry! The text next to the big red button says "Push for help."

-Ben Wright

Being PROACTIVE and not just REACTIVE.

Responding to the urgent 911 calls is usually the defining role of EMS for the public.  However, from offering flu shots to promoting the use of seat-belts at health fairs, prevention and education is becoming a major focus of EMS agencies.  With emphasis on improving the overall well-being of the public as well as providing high quality medical services, EMS is an important part of public health.

-Kory Cummings.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Never too Early--> Get a Kit. Make a Plan.

Even though it caught my roommates off guard-- It's never too early.  HAPPY HALLOWEEN.

Arianne Swapp

Simple but Effective

A large portion of Public Health is devoted towards "being prepared."  One simple but effective tool is the fire extinguisher.  Many of us go day by day not really noticing the many fire extinguishers set up around us, but they are there.  When the time comes, we will all be grateful to have these nifty little tools around our houses and buildings.  They save lives which, in my opinion, is the founding idea of Public Health.

Arianne Swapp