Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Love Canal- Christine Lindberg

  • Facebook Comments:
    Matt Hancock I'm blind and don't see the Questions. Or is it just that one at the end about being aware of what's going on?
    21 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 1
  • Christine Lindberg ya, just the one at the end
  • Matt Hancock I hadn't heard about the love canal or anything like it. I think it's important to be aware of it but the fact that it's older history is the reason why we haven't heard much about it. If it were to happen today then maybe there would be more media cov...See More
    20 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 1
  • Eston Stowers Yeah, I am aware that these tragedies happen in the world in which we live. 
    Although i as well was not familiar with the specific story. If you listen to a lot of talk radio these stories come up quite often. But having said (or in this case *typed*) 
    ...See More
    11 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 1

    Phone Call Comments:

    Jennifer Lindberg "I think it is very important to be educated in such environmental disasters so we can be prepared for more to come in the the future. We must take care today."

    Gaylene Jolley "I was aware of the Love Canal tragedy, but did not know the extent to which it damaged a number of families and lives."

    Madeline Wilding " I had never heard of the Love Canal, but am glad that I do now so that I can be aware of more environmental disasters and so I can be more cautious when I am choosing a location to live in."

    Lauren Borits "It is vital that we are educated on environmental disasters in order to protect our families and loved ones from the harsh effects that they can have on all of our lives."

    Brenda Eyre "It is sad to think about the deformities and other trials that were caused because of the careless decisions of others."

    Samuel Gary "Wow! I was not aware that our nation was being effected by such horrible tragedies such as the Love Canal. I will now be more aware of these environmental disasters in the future."

    Dina Jensen "I too had heard of the Lova Canal, but did not all the details and did not know how many families were effected by it."


    (1) Were you aware that environmental tragedies of this magnitude still exist today?
    -I was aware, of these tragedies, but did not know how often or where they had occurred.

    (2) To what degree do environmental tragedies affect you/your family on a day to basis?
    - I have not personally seen an degree to which environmental tragedies have affected me or my family, but I do believe it is important to be prepared for future events.

    (3) In your opinion are environmental hazards something we should be concerned about on a daily basis?
    -Yes, I believe we should be concerned each day because we can never predict what may happen. There may be a huge storm or earthquake and we need to be wary of such events.   


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