Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Love Canal Tragedy -- Mogene Bodily

1- I've seen a documentary or something about the Love Canal. That is a super sad story, that could have been prevented. I think that companies should practice what kindergarten kids practice... if you make the mess, you clean it up.
2- I didn't realize things like this could actually happen. It makes me worry, what are they doing to stop it from happening again?

3- That's crazy. What I want to know is why did the people stay there for so long, how did the government not take action quicker, and what are the long term effects? Those kids who had burn on their hands, I'm sure there are long term effects if they were continually exposed to it.

4- Wow, that was really sad.

5- That was a really interesting article. I am glad that I was able to learn something about our country's history that isn't a part of our normal curriculum. I think more of these things need to be exposed and put out there in order for us all to know that the country is not perfect and that there are mistakes made. It was very sad to learn that something so preventable to place right under people's noses

6- I can't help but put myself in the shoes of these people. It would be terrifying to discover that you and your family (and your future family) will be affected because of neglect by some distant company... It horrible actually. And atrocious. These people can do nothing about what a company did before them, and yet they will suffer from the effects of that company's actions for the rest of their lives. People expect safety in their lives and they expect companies to follow the rules and regulations of the government. We as Americans are very trusting, and I think uncovering such an atrocity would feel like a betrayal of our trust and almost insulting...
We can't destroy this world, and if we want the world to be beautiful and beneficial to our posterity we need to be considerate. We can't be careless and we can't be selfish.
...I live next to a nuclear waste site, and I would feel so disgusted and helpless if I discovered that the waste site was carelessly constructed and I had been drinking contaminated water all my life and I would get cancer later on in my life as a result. I would feel helpless and betrayed. These people probably felt the same way.

7- Daaaaaaaaaaaaaangggg.That's way sad and psycho! I think that the little bomb areas need to be found and fixed. Like pronto. And it's crazy that it all just showed up randomly.... Popping up like daisies it seems like!!

8- It's disturbing that the chemical company did that, what idiots.

9- Dude this is awful. I feel like if this is happening everywhere, then there should be more people with diseases and such, which is definitely happening. The precautions we have now are clearly not enough and I blame big business. They are willing to go to any lengths, destroying the world for their own benefits. This is also happening in Pennsylvania. They have started this thing called "fracking" or "natural gas drilling," where they drill into the Earth using chemicals that have not been checked for safety yet so we can have an alternate source of energy. It is kind of similar to this only without the canal stuff. People are just so willing to hurt others for their own benefit, and I think we need to rehabilitate the human morals and adjust them so we help each other instead of destroy each other.

10- Those poor families. Especially with all the birth defects, that's pretty disturbing.

Were you aware that environmental tragedies of this magnitude still exist today? 
     I didn't realize they were this bad, I mean I knew they happened, but I thought that at this point in time that people were more aware and took care of it. I think that people need to spread the news so people are more careful.
Do you believe that environmental crises affect you/your family today? 
   I think all environmental crises affect everyone, even when they don't know they have happened. Each one decreases the quality of the earth.
Based on the impact environmental tragedies affect you/your family how likely are you to take action against disasters like this one? 
           Well if I was given specific ways to help I would, but it being so far away I would have a hard time getting myself involved. 

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