Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Audrey Buckley

Love Canal Assignment

I posted a video about the Aral Sea environmental disaster on my facebook page, asking for friends to share their reaction to the video. Here are their comments:

Jonathan- Wow. It's amazing that our use of cotton is a direct cause of something that dramatic.

Karl- Where can I find more information? What other types of work are there for the people affected by the environmental degradation?

William- I like it.

Richard- That makes me sad that this happens even in this day in age.

Angie- Very interesting video. The disaster is being pinned completely on our demand for cotton. What would be an alternative though? We are providing jobs for those people, right? I guess it's at the cost of the environment.

Jana- Unless there's a law that requires companies to be more ethical about water usage, in that area, nothing is going to change.

Joseph- It's a hard ethical issue that the world needs to address eventually. Do we keep outsourcing our cotton at the expense of the environment, but provide jobs for those people? Or do we stay out completely and leave them to poverty?

Christian- There's got to be a way to regulate water usage.

Kendal- Why can't they just move the cotton plantations to another location?

Emma- I bet they founds lots of good treasures when the sea dried up.

Response Questions:
Do you believe that environmental crises affect you/your family today?
I don't think that my family has been directly affected by an environmental crisis, that I know of. But I realize that they are of growing concern, especially as consumerism, urbanization and globalization increase. I also realize that we live in an industrial world and those tendencies are bound to affect the environment.

Were you aware that environmental tragedies of this magnitude still exist today?
I wasn't previously aware of the prevalence of these tragedies. The most I knew of was that oil spills occur occasionally. I never thought that those events would have an impact on me.

Based on the impact environmental tragedies affect you/your family how likely are you to take action against disasters like this one?
After reading the Love Canal article and watching the movie, I can empathize with the people that endured the disaster and I know that if I were in their position, I would be very quick to act. I would also be very active in getting things fixed. However, unless my direct environment were being negatively impacted directly, I would not be proactive about preventing environmental disasters anywhere.

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