I posted the Love Canal video along with an article from cbsnews.com explaining the major oil spills of 2011. The question I provided for people to answer was 'were you aware of that environmental tragedies of this magnitude still exist today?'.
1. Nope
2. I was not aware of this Mr. Merkley
3. I was not aware of all these oil spills, but I was aware there were spills.
4. Hopefully, there will be more policing of these incidents and that they are resolved. Fines should be given to hose companies that do not take action.
5. Wow crazy! I don't want to live on a chemical waste dump.
6. NO I was not aware.
7. Man, I feel so unaware of everything right now.
8. I was not aware professor gooch.
9. Nope, not aware of any of this biz. Until I read the article.
10. I hope all these environmental issues can be taken care of.
3 questions:
How do environmental tragedies affect you on a
daily basis? Why should we care about them? Since I live in Utah County on the Wasatch Front, the air quality is not the best. A lot of the pollution from our big cities here gets stuck in the valley because it cannot blow out of here without the help of some wind. I breathe this air daily. We need to care about these environmental tragedies so we can know the source if we start to have health issues. It is very important we need the health risks of a certain place before we start to raise a family there.
Why should we care about something that happened
over 30 years ago?
We need to aware that time does not take away environmental tragedies such as the Love Canal report. Chemical waste can have half-lives of thousands of years and has no problem of effecting people who built their houses on top of these chemicals. We learn from the past so events such as the Love Canal tragedy does not happen again.
Do you believe that environmental crises affect
you/your family today?
I really do believe that environmental crises affect me today. Every time I take a breathe or drink water, I am affect by a certain environmental crisis. Here in the valley, we breathe in pollution daily. It is something to think about for sure.
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