Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Love Canal-Josh Monson

I asked the question: Environmental tragedies still exist today; what can we do today to mitigate these problems?


Pepare for failure.  Make more procedures with dealing with disasters and speed up the repair process.
-Derek Blazzard

It comes down to individual responsibility towards the environment and more people need that.
-Bryan Rees

We should be careful on what we do with nature. Like smoking, we should be sure to make sure our cigarettes are fully put out before discarding into the wilderness, or dispose them in trash bags.  So be cautions when we go out into the wilderness. Be smart. Don't disrupt anything in nature. Leave it be.
-Ashley Harrison

I would say raise awareness to promote using more natural substances in all areas so they don't harm animals and plant life around us.
-Aubrey Sperry

Allow non biased third party observers to oversee safety inspections. From construction to implication, to required maintenance.
-Eric Harrison

Be prepared. Have plans set up for emergencies.
-Sarah Harrison

Put into place more stringent safety checks on processes or equipment or vessels that have the potential to initiate a disaster.
-Beverly Monson

Stop using materials and substances that can harm the environment.
-Brenna Monson

Don't allow any type of dumping or transport of waste into or through the water supply.
-Maren Monson

Frugality is the only answer. Jervon's paradox.
-Hal Monson

I would say that we need more and stricter regulations on corporations.  Not only that but we should spread awareness of these issues.

How do environmental tragedies affect you on a daily basis? Why should we care about them?

-I don't think environmental tragedies affect me on a daily basis.  If they do, I have no idea about                  them.  We should care because these disasters destroy the environment and damage wildlife and sometimes humans. We get one planet, we should take care of it.

Why should we care about something that happened over 30 years ago?
- We should care because people often forget or don't know about these issues.  Then the same mistakes that happened a long time ago end up happening again. We need to stop hurting ourselves and our surroundings. Love Canal should be used as a learning tool.

I attached my article. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/kazakhstan/9012718/Will-the-Aral-Sea-ever-return.html

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