Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Austin Simons

Love Canal- Most comments came from facebook

How do environmental tragedies affect you on a daily basis? Why should we care about them? 

Brian- They don't affect me on a daily basis, but yes we should care about them.

Colton- If I were to be concerned about something in Utah it would be the air quality. I love being outside and for the most part I never notice anything wrong with the air. Its just sucks when you hear about a bunch of crap on the news.

Torie- Yes the environment affects us all daily, its just that sometimes we don't notice.

Jordon- Honestly people get too worked up over everyday things. The media hyper focuses to get a good story. I got too much going to give it too much mind.

Chad- No not really. We live in Utah and most stuff you hear about is on the coast or in huge cities. We don't have that here

Dimitri- I don't think they affect me every day BUT they do affect me sometimes. I can't think of anything off the top of my head but I know that they do.

Kelly- Chad and Jordon are so silly. Yes I do agree media works things up but we still have a duty to find out environmental hazards in Utah. They occur everywhere even in our rural state :)

Jonah- I suffer from asthma and the air quality in Utah is HORRIBLE! I think Utah is one of the worse states when it comes to air quality.

Dalton- Utah is pretty clean so no. If I lived in a big city then I would be more worried about everyday hazards with my environment, but idk. Utah is pretty chill

Jake- worry about the environment but dont become a nut

Me- I really don't recognize how  it affect me daily.... we should definitely care to help keep the environment safe from harmful chemicals so we should keep track of harmful chemicals in Utah.

Me- Environmental tragedies still exist today; what can we do today to mitigate these problems?
I would say to keep tabs on harmful chemicals and to hold companies accountable mistreating chemicals or dumping it in illegal areas.

Me- Why should we care about something that happened over 30 years ago?
We have to stop history from repeating itself. Love canal forced many people to move out and put a stop on their lives. No one wants that.

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