1) It
is too bad when man destroys the earth from greed and selfishness
unnecessarily. Nature can do just fine on its own with a meteor. Either way
lives are damaged and destroyed. It reminds me of how small I am in the
universe and that I can't really control anything.
2) What
a mess!! It takes a tenacious mom to stop evil!
3) I
remember all of this. Your grandfather did stories on this when he was with
EPA.My thought went to the Holocaust. People in power doing whatever keeps them
in power...Then Denial by the very people that are being overpowered.
4) How
filthy, I hope people have learned and have put tighter restrictions and
penalties on wastes dumping.
5) What
are programs or the government doing to prevent these problems in the future?
6) Is
there anything we can do about preventing natural disasters like meteorite
7) What
was to mortality rate of the children born in the Love Canal area?
8) Has
anyone recently interviewed those who use live in that area?
9) What
studies have been done as follow up to those who suffered from Love Canal?
Especially of their posterity living today and the physical/mental effects on
10) Have
similar effects occurred on those who live on or near bomb-testing sites?
you believe that environmental crises affect you/your family today?
As a consequence of living on this earth, we have to deal with natural or environmental disasters and people who make dumb mistakes that affect everyone.
on the impact environmental tragedies affect you/your family how likely are you
to take action against disasters like this one?
Since I know that these problems can occur I am very willing to take action and protect my family and myself so that we can be safe and protect others as well as those in the future.
do environmental tragedies affect you on a daily basis? Why should we care
about them?
Anyone with a lot of money, land or given authority can make dumb mistakes or selfish decisions and these decisions can affect everyone because their taxes or investments are being used or their homes or families are nearby.
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