Love Canal Report
In your opinion are environmental hazards
something we should be concerned about on a daily basis?
1. I would say yes because since the
environment is something we live in everyday (I know I'm a genius) we should
definitely take into consideration the hazards that are around us all the time.
For example, pollution can be a serious health hazard if it gets bad enough. I
don't know if we need to obsess over it, but it is an issue we should pay
attention to. So to answer your question directly, I say YES, we should be
concerned about them on a daily basis.
2. Yes! That's how you prevent catastrophes.
Addressing the part about whether we should be concerned with it on a daily
basis, it depends on where you live, your habits, etc.
3. I don't necessarily think that
environmental hazards should be things we concern ourselves with every day, but
I do believe that they are important and need to be kept in consideration. The
effect the environment can have on our lives can be immediate, sudden, spontaneous,
and unexpected. This can at times include situations which can cause a lot of
damage to the lives of individuals and communities, so I feel that these
hazards do need to be considered, but thankfully due to their inconsistency and
seldom occurrence, not on a daily basis.
4. I think this shouldn't be something
that should consume our daily lives or that we should stress about daily, but I
do think some measures should be made to improve the situation, because it is
serious. Usually the people who stress about environmental hazards every day
are people whose jobs involve it in some aspect.
5. I don't think it should consume our
daily lives, unless it is your job (then it better stress you out), but I do
think we should be a lot more careful with our waste and where we put it.
Personally, I think if people used their brains there wouldn't be dangerous
stuff buried underground close to people's living quarters! It's something that
needs to be thought about before just dumping crap and burying it.
6. Plastic is a hazard i really hate. It
pollutes the ocean and every beach in the world. It never disintegrates. So yes, because I surf a lot, I do think about it most every day.
7. I think that our society of rampant
consumerism is part of the problem. It's not just toxic waste it's all the
waste we unnecessarily produce that is a huge problem. Like Reid said about
plastics, if people were careful, reused, recycled we wouldn't have half
the problems we do. I hate disposable plastic water bottles. Buy a reusable
bottle use it, reuse it you save waste, money, energy. I mean I diapered six
kids in cloth diapers. Water is renewable, disposable diapers not. And don't
get me started on plastic grocery bags. Use them and recycle don't send them to
the landfill or flying out your car window! Landfills are the problem now.
8. Everyone is different and has different wants
and needs and problems than others, but one thing that makes us the same is our
dependence on the Earth. We need clean water, air, and food to survive, yet we
continually destroy the one thing sustains our lives. I think everyone could be
more conscious of how they act on a daily basis to preserve the very thing that
preserves us.
9. Yes, I think it is important to be aware of our
environment every day. We don't have to be doing anything huge, but I think we
should be making small steps to improving our environment each day. This could
mean picking up someone's litter, recycling, etc. I don't think each individual
needs to be an environmentalist, but they just need to be aware and involved in
making sure our planet is healthy.
10. I think environmental hazards are something
that we should think about often but maybe not on a day-to-day basis.
Individually we can make changes like using less water, recycling, etc. But I
think in order for any significant changes it would have to be a universal
change in lifestyle and habits. This won't happen very quickly but if people
were more informed and thoughtful of the environment, it could bring about a
positive change through time.
My answers:
1. Were you aware that environmental tragedies
of this magnitude still exist today?
I was aware of major tragedies that have been covered in the news, but I don’t
think I would have paid nearly as much attention to those environmental
tragedies if they hadn’t been such common knowledge. I definitely don’t think I
know about all the environmental tragedies that happen today due to a lack of
public knowledge. In conclusion, I think that I was generally aware that
tragedies of this magnitude still exist today, but I’m not sure that I cared as
much as I should have.
Do you believe that environmental crises affect you/your family today?
think that occasionally there are environmental crises that affect my family
and me today, but I don’t think it is very common. I do live in California,
which is known to be common for earthquakes, but I never find myself worrying
or thinking about it. Obviously there are small earthquakes sometimes, but they
are never major enough to occupy my thoughts. It is probably bad that I don’t
think about natural disasters more, but I feel like they are so rare that it is
hard to worry about something that may never happen.
should we care about something that happened over 30 years ago?
I think that we should care about something that happened over 30 years ago because it teaches us what we need to do to avoid a similar catastrophe. Also, the past is known to repeat itself, which tells us that we need to know what to do in order to counteract whatever may happen. Basically, we have to learn from our past to make a better future.
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