Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Annie Kirk

Great Pacific and North Atlantic Garbage Patches

The dumping of garbage in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans has been an ongoing problem for centuries. The problem has become more severe as humans began producing more non-biodegradable materials like plastics and cleaning products. The garbage here has the capability of harming marine life. 

Question: Environmental tragedies still exist today; what can we do today to mitigate these problems?
1. Wow, I had no idea that is where our garbage is being sent! Doesn't it flow back to shore or does it just stay there all the time?!
2. I had no clue... that's nasty... doesn't make you want to go swimming anytime soon! Maybe the garbage can be put on an island instead. I'm not too concerned about it because I don't live near the ocean.
3. It's in the middle of the ocean so it probably doesn't get to any land. At least I think so. I remember learning about that in one of my classes. We can help mitigate the problem by reducing waste in the first place. 
4. I think that maybe large holes can be dug and garbage can be put in those instead of in the ocean.
5. Yikes!! We should just stick it on an uninhabited area, that way it wouldnt hurt the sea life.
6. I agree with the comment above - just put it in a big hole.
7. yup, no idea this was happening. i dunno where else you could put it?!
8. good question. i like the hole idea
9. Maybe send the waste to a uninhabited area AND put it in a big hole.
10. Burn it!!!!! Haha, just kidding. That would make it worse by hurting the air we breathe. I dunno, maybe just contribute to the cause against it and find other alternatives to garbage disposal.

Q: Do you believe that environmental crises affect you/your family today? 
A: Yes, the environment affects us in many ways. If there is a tragedy, it is likely to affect us in some way or another. A tragedy could change the air we breathe, the food sources we eat, the water we drink, etc. 

Q: Based on the impact environmental tragedies affect you/your family how likely are you to take action against disasters like this one? 
A: I am probably not very likely to take action, only because I don't know a lot about the disposal of garbage and I am not sure where else we could put it. However, I can do my part by reduction, reuse, and recycling of goods.

Q: Environmental tragedies still exist today; what can we do today to mitigate these problems?
A: Like someone said above, it might be possible to dig large holes and bury the garbage deep beneath the earth. I'm not sure how costly that would be and what problems might occur but I think that would be better than sticking it out into the ocean where animals and sea life eat the trash and are harmed by it. Also, to reduce waste we can reuse and recycle more.

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