Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Vanessa Moore Environmental/Occupational Love Canal Report.

My Questions

These kinds of things are still happening today.

I was surprised that people did not have the common sense to not do this. It is so tragic but it is good that we know about it and strive to inform others about it so it does not happen again.

Were you aware that environmental tragedies of this magnitude still exist today?

No, I did not think that environmental tragedies of this magnitude still exist. I am grateful for the opportunity that I have had to learn more about these tragedies so I can be a positive force in informing people about it so we can hopefully prevent tragedies like these from happening in the future.

Do you believe that environmental crises affect you/your family today?

I do think that tragedies like this affect me and my family because I believe that at the very least it affects the foods that we eat because we eat food from all around the world just when we buy food at the local grocery store. I think that when water is polluted it infects the fish and we eat the fish.

Comments made on my post

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  • Vanessa A. Moore Were you aware that environmental tragedies of this magnitude still exist today?
  • Luke Stoddard Interesting stuff. We need to take better care of the environment or we all will suffer the consequences.
  • Adriana Plascencia This. Is. Awful. I had no idea stuff like this was still going on. I can't believe that the state would allow chemical waste to just be dumped into a canal, and much less that they would not be informed and that the school would deny there being a problem. This is tragic for the families of small children that can be so easily affected by these toxic pollutants.
  • Megan Hodgson Wow.... that company really should have put more effort into containing all of that toxic waste before they sold the land, but I am glad to hear that all of those families were evacuated and the waste was contained as much as possible after all of the damage it had already caused
    2 hours ago via mobile · Like
  • Kyle Clawson That's so tragic. It's hard to believe that this kind of thing may be perpetuated. It's especially hard to believe that people would be so irresponsible as to commit this crime in the first place.
  • Zachary Byers That is horrible... but it has its roots from nearly a century before, and its discovery and crisis was over 30 years ago. Since, it has been taken care of, and programs are in place to monitor and prevent things like this from happening again.
  • David Eichert I would disagree somewhat with Zach's comment. We just saw last week a significant oil spill in an Arkansas neighborhood that still hasn't been cleaned up:http://www.nbcnews.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-rachel_maddow_show/vp/51473926#51473926
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  • Erin Fitt Wow. Not cool. I was not aware.
  • Madison Rawle It's crazy how these kinds of things are happening in the world

  • Joshua Robert Yarn I can't believe we have not found a way to stop these tragedies from happening! With all of the technology we have there must be a safer way to work with the environment.
  • Erin Fitt Wow. That's awful! I was not aware.
  • Natalia Russell Stories like this make me concerned for the potential of similar sites. Likewise, it shows the need for public health officials who are educated and willing to identify and fix environmental hazards

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