Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Kraig Dye - Love Canal Report

My Personal Three Questions Answered

Were you aware that environmental tragedies of this magnitude still exist today?
I would have to say that I was unaware that there were so many problems facing our environment. I had heard of the “Downwinders” before but I had never heard stories like the “Love Canal.” It is really eye-opening that we let stuff like that happen in our country, even today.
Do you believe that environmental crises affect you/your family today? I would guess that crises do affect my family because I live in a state where nuclear waste dumping is a highly debated issue right now. I have family that lives in Southern Utah where they are more susceptible to higher levels of radiation and there is the whole Energy Solutions situation where they want to store their nuclear waste in our state.
Environmental tragedies still exist today; what can we do today to mitigate these problems.
I think that we need to be proactive in writing to our legislation and letting them know that we will not be another “Love Canal.” We understand the risks a lot better now that so many tragedies have happened and I think that we are prepared to take a stand. We need to let the government know that they can take their toxic waste somewhere else.

Facebook Responses to the Question: In your opinion are environmental hazards something we should be concerned about on a daily basis? (exact responses)
Lauren Poet I think that they are something we should be concerned about on a daily business, however I also feel like people have become somewhat desensitized to tragedies such as this because tragedies happen all the time. I feel like natural disasters are not on the priority to be reported as much as other things are.
David Holloway We should be worried about it, but lets not make it the top priority.
Shayne Denning I think that we should be concerned on a daily basis because everyday we could be adding to the problem. If you don't think about it everyday then no solution or prevention will take place.
Kalen Dye I never really thought about it, but it is a concern we should be worried about. Maybe it's not a top priority, but it should definitely take priority over some other things. But maybe it should be an every other day concern. Or maybe a once a week meeting to discuss it.
Trevor Bluth Look into the RDX chemical spill near Mapleton.
Jessica Hicken I think that we should be worried about chemical dumping more than huge radiation exposures. But we should be concerned about putting harmful chemicals into our environment. We learned in my physics class today that everyone is exposed to background radiation every day and their isn't much we can do about it, though we definitely don't want to encounter more than we have to. Chemical dumping however affects people very directly because it affects the water that we drink, which can cause big problems. It gets into the ground water and can be a very hard problem to fix. (sorry gotta put some geologyness in their somehow  )
Keith Dye Jr With all the radio active waste that travels to and thru our state of course we should be concerned
Kyle Dye We should be worried about it, but not daily. Environmental hazards such as nuclear waste are dangerous but extreme levels are rare and most live far enough away that it doesn't affect them much. The Western States should worry about it a lot more than the Eastern States because The West is where everything is dumped.
Hailey Bush Although these problems may seem minimal today, I believe they are going to become bigger in the future. So we should try to PREVENT them because prevention is always easier than the clean up that comes if something goes wrong.
Ashley Whitten I agree with Hailey: it is important to try our best to prevent future problems and I think everyone should do their part in being wise stewards over the environment. We should also try to help and comfort those people that are suffering from them. However, I believe that there are more pressing matters to be concerned with on a daily basis. Environmental hazards will happen because we live in a fallen world but eventually, they will be made right and through the Atonement, those people who are affected will be compensated for the wrongs they innocently suffered.
Ian Clemesha I think there are different levels of officals worry about environmental hazards that have been already been done. As for the future its part of our job to take care and act upon environmental issues that will effect the future. So I think we should at least be aware of what is going on not just in the country we live in, but the world as a whole.

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