I was able speak to Susie Baldwin, the director at LA County Department of Health. We were able to talk about some of the problems that the the population of LA is facing and ways to help educate the public so that they can lead safer, healthier lives.
Decline in Obesity
One of the problems that is currently occurring is that obesity rates for adults has increased rapidly despite preventative measures. It is leading behind tobacco as something that is easily preventable. Adults are more affected than children are in this obesity epidemic and has actually decreased. One of the ways that they are currently control this epidemic is by listing the number of calories beside each food item. This helps to increase awareness of how much somebody will eat in their meal.
Increase in Diabetes
A related problem to obesity is the increase in diabetes. Diabetes is something that is easily preventable, but the number of people who report diabetes, specifically type 2, is increasing each year. Those with type 2 diabetes have a much more medical expenses than those without diabetes. Schools in LA are helping to curb obesity in children by making sure that physical education is a part of school day. By allowing the children to get some sort of exercise in their day, steps are taken to help prevent serious health problems.
Smoking Decreases
In the past year, smoking among adults has continued to decrease and is second only to Utah. This has led to, in turn, a decrease in lung cancer rates. California is trying to have health insurance programs cover nicotine replacement in an effort to help stop smoking. In addition, a number of public service announcements have been made to increase the awareness about the dangers of smoking. This have been aimed particularly for those who are in high risk groups of smoking.
Teen Driver Safety
Another thing that they are working on is to encourage teens to drive safely. Today, many teens are distracted by a number of things, including texting or talking while driving. Teenage deaths are tried to be kept low by making all teens have mandatory insurance. The California Department of Insurance has released public service announcements to remind teens to be aware while they are driving. Some of the recommendations that they give to be a defensive driver and to follow the speed limit.
Biker Safety
One of the final things that she mentioned was the bike helmet initiative. For those who ride bikes next to drivers, it is important to always be aware of the surroundings. By encouraging bike helmet use, the number of head injuries has decreased. Safety is increased in case of accidents or falls. Helmets can make a significant impact for the bike rider, especially in busy cities.
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