Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tyson Welling

            For this assignment, I spoke with Rachel Moulton. She is a Prevention Specialist at the Utah County Department of Drug and Alcohol Prevention and Treatment. She Is a BYU graduate in Public Health and also happens to be my sister. She has really enjoyed aspects of her career stating that they have been very fulfilling. She works directly with drug abuse teaching recovery classes to those who have been involved in the behavior. She also works coordinating events to help the public become more aware of the issues that face our community. When I asked what she believed to be the top 5 trends affecting the public’s health, she gave them to me in this order.
1.      Increasing alcohol use. Over the years the consumption of alcohol has continued to rise and so have the consequences. Many of these include abuse within the home and strain on relationships, drunk driving, and negative impacts on education. Among those who abuse the use of alcohol are parents, students, and underage teens. One of the main purposes of the Public Health campaign in Provo is to increase awareness that this is indeed a problem that must be addressed.
2.      A decrease in the perception of harm of marijuana. Many have heard of Marijuana as the gateway drug. Though perceived as harmless, it is a strong precursor to the illegal use of other drugs. With the legalization of medical marijuana in some states has come a greater acceptance of the drug and its further acceptance into society. It too has negative effects such as decreasing ones will power and ambitions.  It is natural to desire the feelings that are accompanied by the use of drugs but there are always natural ways of achieving them.
3.      Epidemic of prescription drug abuse. This is another issue facing the community that is very prevalent in Provo. Given that availability is high, and many already take prescription medications, it isn’t difficult for individuals to become addicted to using these drugs for non-medical purposes. The availability of these drugs has made it easier for a younger generation to fall victims of this type of drug abuse.
4.      Decrease in parental disapproval of underage drinking. Many parents are beginning to see underage drinking as part of a life experience. It is even revered by some as a “rite of passage” during their high school experience. The downside of course is that underage drinking is frequently accompanied by a lack of responsibility. The number of DUI’s has increased as more adolescents have been involved in this behavior. Studies show that parents who make an effort to teaching their children early and continue to be a part of their children’s lives will have a powerful impact when it comes to making this decision.
5.      Smoking is still a problem. It has been a problem for years now. It seems that as other drug and substance abuse issues have surfaced, this one has been pushed to the back. It is still a leading cause for cancer and poor health across the nation. It should continue to be considered as a threat to the communities health.

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