Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Community Gyms

Dallin Dickerson

Community Trends
Name: Elizabeth Spencer
Job Title: Crossfit Trainer

Top 5 Trends:
1. Inadequate nutritional information
2. lack of knowledge about correct way and form in exercising
3. Poor mobility
4. Over obsession with weight
5. lack of support

Inadequate nutrition is probably the greatest trends towards poor overall health that we face.  The food we eat is highly processes and contains too much sugar and preservatives.  Food should be eaten in its most natural state and people need to gain a greater awareness as to what foods are right for their bodies.  Not everyone should follow the food pyramid that the government puts out.  We are all individual and unique and so are our bodies.

Most people lack the knowledge when it comes to exercising.  Too many people buy a gym pass and have no idea what the machines do and how to properly use them.  On top of that most people are unaware of how to start  or how to create a regimen that will help them to attain their goals.

Poor mobility leads to a lot of health complications.  With individuals becoming way too sedentary, people are losing their range of motion and compensating with poor posture and body positioning.  Most individuals aren’t flexible enough, or know the correct way to lift or move their bodies in the most efficient way and because of this there is a huge rise in the number of people that injure themselves from just day to day activities.

Obsession with weight is a huge trend in the community that is causing a number of problems.  People believe that they have to look a certain way to be happy or to lose that last 12 lbs before they can accept themselves and that’s just not how it should be.  We are all different.  There is no such thing as the perfect body type.  However through proper exercise and nutrition one can find the “right” body type for them and that is where true health is.

The lack of support from peers and personal motivation is a huge determinant as to whether or not people will stick with a lifestyle change.  It’s hard enough doing something that puts you out of your comfort zone but to not feel supported is something that needs to change.  There is power and strength that comes from community.  People will push themselves, harder and longer if they feel that they are receiving the support that they need to overcome their obstacles.

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