Friday, February 8, 2013
Leah Tangedal
Railings = public health, especially on snowy days! Climbing up stairs is so boring, routine, scary, and even difficult- I have come to learn that you can be in shape in CA and out of shape in UT. However, with the railing, you can slide down, climb up and pretend you're a ninja, and even use them for safety when your shoes are all slippy. I have seen too many people slip, trip, and rip...their pants on stairs that had no railings. Rails save lives, people. They are public health.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Sam Dearden
To me, good physical activity is public health. I am a climber and find that it not only helps me be healthier, but also improves my mental health. As humans push their physical limits, they become healthier in mind, body, and spirit.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Bethany Morley
Staying healthy is simple, but it requires effort. Regular exercise and a healthy diet is enough to prevent many diseases and illnesses. Taking a multivitamin ensures that we get all the necessary nutrients we need. These simple measures can make a world of difference.
Alexandra Johnson
Nicole Rudd
The inversion has been terrible lately. Limit your driving and try not to contribute to this poor air quality that we are experiencing. What we breathe in has a great effect on our bodies. Clean air is so important to public health!
Carson Ralphs: Basketball is one of my favorite ways to exercise and stay healthy. This represents public health because it illustrates the importance of physical activity in preventing chronic illness and disease. It also teaches teamwork and diligence as you play on a team, helping our communities learn the importance of working together to get, and stay healthy.
AJ Pyle
Workspace = Public Health
Germs and disease are often spread through close contact
with other individuals. Where do we have more contact with people than at work?
Hygiene is important not only for ourselves but also for those that we come in
contact with both directly and indirectly.
Ben Jack
Proper hygiene - including keeping your hands clean - is very important to public health. Your hands can become infected when preparing food, using the restroom, changing a diaper, touching animals, taking out the trash, coughing, blowing your nose, treating wounds, caring for the sick, handling chemicals, or basically touching anything. So providing hand sanitizer is a good call by BYU to keep the spread of disease down.

Laura Antillon
There's nothing like going back to the base of what can make or break us--our diet. This advertisement is telling people to buy good, healthy food for cheaper. It is an incentive to eat healthy.
Ryan Anderson
Safety=Public Health

Warning signs are everywhere, and it is our decision as to whether or not we want to obey them. Sometimes the activity could be fun, but by doing so, we endanger ourselves and the lives and well-being of not only ourselves, but those around us. We should follow the warning signs around us and live a happy, healthy life.

Warning signs are everywhere, and it is our decision as to whether or not we want to obey them. Sometimes the activity could be fun, but by doing so, we endanger ourselves and the lives and well-being of not only ourselves, but those around us. We should follow the warning signs around us and live a happy, healthy life.
Matthew Ellison
This is a free fitness site where you fill out some information like height, weight, age and activity level and you're allotted a certain amount of calories per day. I wanted to lose some weight so I started using it everyday and have lost 6 lbs in 2.5 weeks! Obesity which is related to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension and others is perhaps the largest health hazard in the United States. This site is striving to help people monitor their weight. It even has a database of thousands of common foods and their calorie count!
Daniel Larsen
Exercise= Public Health
They more we exercise our bodies will become stronger. The stronger our bodies the better we can fight illness and infections. The better we can fight infections the lower the risk of potential for public outbreaks.
They more we exercise our bodies will become stronger. The stronger our bodies the better we can fight illness and infections. The better we can fight infections the lower the risk of potential for public outbreaks.
Lauren Montgomery
Fire Extinguishers = Public Health
Fire extinguishers represent public health because they promote safety. Fires are a common and dangerous hazard and the spreading of a fire can be avoided by easy access to a fire extinguisher. Having fire extinguishers readily available in this building increases the safety of the people living here.
Fire extinguishers represent public health because they promote safety. Fires are a common and dangerous hazard and the spreading of a fire can be avoided by easy access to a fire extinguisher. Having fire extinguishers readily available in this building increases the safety of the people living here.
Alexis Berry
Sneeze Guards = Public Health
Sneeze guards represent public health because they help prevent illness. Health laws require food establishments to cover areas containing exposed foods with sneeze guards. It's a good thing too! Imagine going to a buffet and watching someone sneeze on the food you were about to put on your plate!
Sneeze guards represent public health because they help prevent illness. Health laws require food establishments to cover areas containing exposed foods with sneeze guards. It's a good thing too! Imagine going to a buffet and watching someone sneeze on the food you were about to put on your plate!
Chad Sellers
Public Health
My apartment complex is not well known for cleanliness. Right when I moved in I made sure to buy the necessary cleaning products to remove mold and mildew and to clean all the bathroom and kitchen areas. My apartment would be a festering mess otherwise. Thank you cleaning products!-from Chad Sellers
Abigail Gunn
I think that this picture represents Public Health because in Utah we have a serious problem with inversions. The inversions are pollutants in the air that are trapped between the mountain ranges and then constantly pollute the air we breathe. These inversions can be attributed to higher reports of asthma attacks, and may even contribute to higher numbers of asthma cases in the Utah area.
Keaton Cullimore
This is a sink in a bathroom , and it represents public health because washing your hands is very important. If we do not wash our hands we can spread germs really fast, and get a lot of people sick. This is why I chose a sink to represent public Health for me -Keaton Cullimore
Lauren Cheney
BYU Public Health=Stairs
When I was first asked to do this project the first thing that came to my mind for Public Health were the stairs. This is Public Health because stairs allow us to bring exercise into our daily lives and it promotes healthy living.
Natalia Fisiinaua
Sun = Public Health
Go out and get some sun. It's good for you. Find a happy medium between Casper and a leather couch, and enjoy nature.
Michelle Laparra
This to me is a way that public health affects my everyday life. This box advertises and encourages good health through pictures and words. To the side, it even has a quiz that tells you how to check your heart health. Through healthy advertising it is easy for people to realize the importance of makin good food choices.
Austin Wilkins
This handy awesome stair slider emergency evacuation device is great for public health! If their was a fire, or other type
of emergency and the elevators were broken getting an inured person would
be much easier with this handy device. Although I have never tried one, it looks like it would support their back while going down the stairs which is great for preventing further injuries. Also to in preventing other injuries it looks like it would get you down the stairs much smoother than the traditional fireman's carry.
Sydney Wise
Public Health = sidewalks
I love being here in Provo because there are so many sidewalks! They create a safer environment for people as they commute. Sidewalks are wonderful because they promote exercise and physical activity; they allow people to run or walk anywhere though the city. By creating a safe environment for people, physical activity will increase and become important to people.
I love being here in Provo because there are so many sidewalks! They create a safer environment for people as they commute. Sidewalks are wonderful because they promote exercise and physical activity; they allow people to run or walk anywhere though the city. By creating a safe environment for people, physical activity will increase and become important to people.
Jason LaPorte
This is Public Health. Donating blood is something easy that almost everyone can do. It save's lives! And you get free snacks and drinks if the saving lives isn't motivation enough. -Jason LaPorte
Natalie Williams
Construction Site=Public Health
This construction site portrays Public Health in many different ways. First, the pollution that comes from it can be harmful to our bodies. It is harmful to me because this contruction site is right outside my window, restricting me from clean air. In addition, the noises that come from the beeps of the trucks and the digging interrupt my sleep patterns and concentration.
Courtney Hope
A Sink Full of Dirty Dishes=Public Health
Having clean dishes is just one of the many ways that people can stay healthy! Dirty dishes can create a whole lot of problems. Not only does it make the kitchen look gross and uninviting but it can attract bugs and cause the place to smell! Public health is about having clean dishes to eat on so we can stay healthy! Plus no one wants to have a gross sink!
Natalie Jones
Nutrition Facts = Public Health
So much of our health depends on what we eat. With nutrition facts and ingredients labeled on packaged food, people can know exactly what they are putting into their bodies. This can help people to make healthier choices in their diets.
So much of our health depends on what we eat. With nutrition facts and ingredients labeled on packaged food, people can know exactly what they are putting into their bodies. This can help people to make healthier choices in their diets.
Vanessa Moore
Trash Cans Encourage Cleanliness
This trash can is public health because it provides a place for residence and visitors to place trash. This increases the cleanliness of the appartment complex and the surrounding area. On this trash can you can see a note from management that states that appartment trash is to be taken to the dumpster. This policy increases public health because it decreases the amount of trash that the residence and resident visitors are exposed to, which equals less smells and dirt in the building.
Jessica Wall
Public health is local businesses and their employees. Without their cleanliness policies and careful sanitary employees, eating out could turn nasty fast. Providing people with food that can always be guaranteed as 100% safe to eat and promised to always be made under sanitary conditions makes food businesses an ideal image for public health (as long as you don't eat too many pizzas)!
This is Public Health Kimberlie Mikami
This is Public Health because we need to be more aware of the type of body image we are portraying to our youth. This guide is all about beautifying yourself and the ultimate beauty guide and the perfect body! It is time for us to have a makeover of our ideals of true HEALTHY beauty.
Shaye Mullen
Hand Sanitizer = Public Health
To me, hand sanitizer next to the doors of public restrooms represent Public Health. Through health initiatives such as this, the spread of germs and disease is slowed, and we are all able to live happy, health lives!
Kara Mangum
Waste Systems = Public Health
Having appropriate access to toilets and an efficient waste system is a huge attribution to public health. Through the removal of human waste people are not only able to live in a cleaner and more organized environment, but also many bacterial illnesses and diseases are further prevented. Also through careful and proper treatments sewer systems allow continual access to clean water.
Having appropriate access to toilets and an efficient waste system is a huge attribution to public health. Through the removal of human waste people are not only able to live in a cleaner and more organized environment, but also many bacterial illnesses and diseases are further prevented. Also through careful and proper treatments sewer systems allow continual access to clean water.
John Carter
Even with the evil robot eye, this machine does a great job keeping our hands germ free. This demonstrates public health because it prevents the spread of sickness. The sound of that motor turning is music to the ears of a hypochondriac.
Jolene Kirk
Public and health scream from this photograph. What better way to represent public health than showing an attempt at making the public more healthy? Washing your hands in a public restroom is one of many ways that we try to stay healthy as a public.
Nora Gleed
Public Transportation = Public Health
Through public transportation, air pollution can be reduced and air quality enhanced. This will help the entire population to breath better, especially those suffering from asthma. If the air is better, you also want to be outside more, which increases physical activity.
Amy Sprouse
Healthy Options in School and Community Vending Machines = Public Health.
One of the fastest growing concerns for Public Health is community and national nutrition. PH movements are paying stronger attention to this field today because of its multifaceted preventative nature. I think working with schools to improve their options and in turn the habits of adolescents and young adults is not only a magnificent but an imperative way to improve our health nationally.
Cameron Quist
Ice = public health.
Every winter day when I go to school I have to walk on ice at some point. Every year, I eventually slip and fall. So far I have not broken a bone, but I know many people who have as a result of slipping on ice while walking to BYU. Perhaps my friends are clumsy, but icy conditions is public health because it can cause injuries.
Skylar Haines: This is Public Health
"Wet Floor" signs represent public health as they warns of potential danger. They protect people from falling as they heed the warnings. Public health is amazing because it is so all-encompassing, ranging from "Wet Floor" signs to alcohol cessation programs to legislation and everything in between.
-Skylar Haines-
Jason Daniel Bunker
Dirty, Healthy Gutters
So this gutter seems rather dirty and you may be thinking...public health, really? Public sanitation and water drainage are so key to public health because they get rid of stagnant water and other waste materials that breed disease. This to me defines public health because it is such a large scale idea and benefits so many people and to me public health is serving as many people as possible and truly bringing about change on a large scale.
Rebekah Dickson
Detergent = Public Health
Washing clothes represents public health to me because it is just another way we stop germs from spreading. Just like you wash your hands, you need to wash your clothes so that germs don't build up and make you or others sick.
Washing clothes represents public health to me because it is just another way we stop germs from spreading. Just like you wash your hands, you need to wash your clothes so that germs don't build up and make you or others sick.
Robert Hendricks
Dental hygiene= public health. To me this is public health because the mouth leads to confidence. If a person has nice teeth he or she can eat healthy things like fruits and vegetables without problems. Also there will be no pain so he or she can go out and be active and not stay at home and be in pain.
Gabriella Furniss
Coats=Public Health
Having a coat is essential for winter time health. Individuals who are unfortunate, or negligent enough to go without have an increased risk of getting sick because a cold body can't keep your immune system supported well enough to keep out many infections. I have my coat and wear it too. Do you?
Jessica Parke: Flu Shots=Public Health
Getting a flu shot is a great way to keep yourself and others healthy during the flu season. What an easy thing that can help prevent weeks of sickness! Many flu shots are free or cost next to nothing, so go get yours today!
Musie Seyoum
Fire Extinguisher = Public Health
A fire extinguisher is a great tool for fire safety in preventing fires in homes and public places. What a great tool, to have on hand at all times! The best way to use this effectively to prevent any fire from spreading significantly can be best defined through the acronym P-A-S-S. Pull the pin. Aim. Squeeze. Sweep.
A fire extinguisher is a great tool for fire safety in preventing fires in homes and public places. What a great tool, to have on hand at all times! The best way to use this effectively to prevent any fire from spreading significantly can be best defined through the acronym P-A-S-S. Pull the pin. Aim. Squeeze. Sweep.
Halie Mitchell - Walk Your Way into Public Health
Walking where we need to go is public health because it promotes physical exercise. The more you walk the less you spend on gas. Walking benefits the public because it helps to eliminate air pollution from car exhaust, which Utah could use a little less of right now!
Sarah Kate Price
Go With The H2O Flow!
Public health is not something that should be a foreign, formal concept. Instead, it should be something that is incorporated into everyday life in a way that creates an overall increase of well-being. Water bottles are a wonderful display of public health because they can be an active part of daily life. The use of water bottles promotes public health because it encourages healthier living in a way that is generally affordable, accessible, and acceptable for all kinds of individuals.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Nicole Bauer
Public Restrooms=Public Health.
I read a study published on the New York Times website that says that only two thirds of men washed their hands after using the bathroom at Turner Field where this study was being performed. While this was the lowest rate for any locations observed in the study, it's a little bit frightening (and disgusting) that so many people opted out of hand washing after using a toilet very like the one in the picture above. A clean restroom and people exercising responsible hygienic habits are very important parts of public health.
I read a study published on the New York Times website that says that only two thirds of men washed their hands after using the bathroom at Turner Field where this study was being performed. While this was the lowest rate for any locations observed in the study, it's a little bit frightening (and disgusting) that so many people opted out of hand washing after using a toilet very like the one in the picture above. A clean restroom and people exercising responsible hygienic habits are very important parts of public health.
Eric Landon Smart
Public Health Evolution
This is a picture full of public health starting with the rubbish bin and also the new, sleek, eco-friendly Front Runner. This picture is the epitome of public health. With clean air people will be happier and healthier, and Utah can kiss poor air quality goodbye, and keep trash of the street.
Easton Webster
Gas Flue Warnings = Public Health
Gas flue warnings in all of the apartments represent public health, and most specifically health promotion. They come complete with a complete warning in order to keep residents of the dorms safe. Public health promotion is about keeping people safe and avoiding emergency, and this warning does so.
Gas flue warnings in all of the apartments represent public health, and most specifically health promotion. They come complete with a complete warning in order to keep residents of the dorms safe. Public health promotion is about keeping people safe and avoiding emergency, and this warning does so.
Krissie Harman
Hand washing is Public Health!
Most people don't wash their hands correctly, either too short of time or not getting all the hard to reach places. If we were to all wash our hands properly, the general public would be much healthier! Do you wash your hands thoroughly?
Most people don't wash their hands correctly, either too short of time or not getting all the hard to reach places. If we were to all wash our hands properly, the general public would be much healthier! Do you wash your hands thoroughly?
Andy St. Pierre
Diaper Pales = Public Health
There are a lot of landfills filing up and garbage not breaking down properly. These are things that are harmful to us and our enviorment. We need to recycle, reuse, and becareful of what and how we dispose of things.
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