Monday, November 12, 2012

Public Health Trends in Orange County, North Carolina

I spoke to Stacy Shelp, the communications and public information manager and a representative for the Orange County Health Department in North Carolina. The Orange County Health Department’s Health Promotion Committee recently completed their community health assessment and outlined their main objectives for 2013. Ms. Shelp told me their top five objectives and where they were in the process

1. Access to care.
When we first think of access to health care, our minds turn to the location. In Orange County, location is not the main priority. The health department is focusing on what services and resources are available for their community. Additionally, they are trying to increase health literacy of the residents of their jurisdiction. This includes having information available and accessible to those in need of it. In addition, they provide translators for those in need.

2. Childhood and family obesity.
On their county webpage, it states that they, “Launched a new initiative, the Healthy Classroom Challenge in school classrooms to reinforce the importance of physical activity and better nutrition with children, families, and the Orange County community.” Ms. Shelp also mentioned the Eat Smart Move More program. This campaign was launched last month and will continue until March 2013. The program includes not only physical health and healthy eating, but also emotional and spiritual health. On the webpage, they include a toolkit, which any of the citizens can download which will assist a healthy lifestyle.

3. Substance abuse, including tobacco.
            Just like in Utah County, the Orange County Department of Health is working on establishing smoke free public places. This expands upon the smoke free restaurant act that was just implemented a couple years earlier. The Orange County Board of Health just recently approved their proposition to have parks and other public outdoor places smoke-free. The next step is for the Board of commissioners to approve the proposition.  Since 2003, the county has participated in North Carolina’s statewide tobacco prevention program, T.R.U.- “Tobacco. Reality. Unfiltered”.

4. Prescription drug abuse.
For prescription drug abuse, the county health department is working in conjunction with the county’s mental health services to provide access to treatment. The health department just launched a Directory of Mental Health Services, which includes general information about state and county mental health services and a listing of private mental health. The Health Promotion Committee has provided places and drives to collect and dispose of the prescription drugs. The health department is trying to limit the availability of prescription drugs and other addictive substances to the youth.

5. Communicable diseases.
            Recently, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that baby boomers, individuals 65+, should be screened for hepatitis C. Because Hepatitis C often presents itself without any symptoms, people are not always aware that they are living with this disease. The CDC mad this recommendation because 75% of people infected with Hep C are in the baby boomer age group.  The Orange County Health Department is currently working on a campaign for to inform the baby boomer generation of the risks of Hepatitis C. They plan to launch this program within a few months.

Olivia Outzen

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