Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Carlee Chase

Public Health in Boise Idaho

When I e-mailed my Community Health department in Boise, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Barbra Gilbert, the Administrative Assistant for the Health Promotion Project Manager of Community Health told me briefly of 5 major topics that they have become involved with in my home community and referred me to their website for more information.

Cancer control is one of the top issues in Boise. They strive to reduce this disease by increasing awareness. This in turn increases the number of effective screenings done every year and allows cancer to be treated sooner. The most common types of cancer that they see are Colon cancer and Skin Cancer. They organized a group called the CASPA that meets to strengthen partnerships and coordinate effots to increase the knowledge relating to the prevention of cancer.

Cholesterol is another big issue that has a close eye on it all the time. Apparently everyone over 20 should have their cholesterol measured at least every 5 years to keep them healthy and safe. This doesn’t happen. In turn this could prevent heart attacks and heart disease in the future. With high LDL levels as a young adult, this is a major possibility. They have resources like Clinical screening forms and what your results should look like available to the public.

Barbra mentioned that Boise wants their children to have healthy mouths. Dental health is watched to prevent oral disease in children. Children can be educated about how to keep their mouth healthy for years to come by many programs and clinics in the area that promote Dental Health. Some that were mentioned were the Fluoride Mouthrinse Program, the Smile Clinics, and the Fluoride Varnish Clinic.

Obesity prevention is a problem that is occurring all over the United States.  Obesity is now the leading cause of preventable disease, where as it used to be tobacco. Being overweight increases the risk of many diseases and chronic health conditions. One of the main goals of the community in Boise is to Create opportunities for all residents to have access to affordable, healthy foods and safe, fun opportunities to be physically active where they live, work, play and pray.

Tobacco is still a leading problem to disease in Boise. As a community they are working to create a healthier community by educating about and promoting tobacco-free lifestyles and environments. They are still promoting prevention of tobacco among the youth and keeping them aware of the effects of tobacco. Another main goal that I’ve seen personally living in Boise is the effort they are taking to eliminate exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in public areas such as restaurants and parks.

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