Contact: Pete (Marion Country Epidemiology)
1. Unemployment
For years, there has been a rise in the number of unemployed in the Indianapolis area. This rise has a great impact on public health because it actually is directly correlated to the health of a person. A lack of a sustainable income in a household gives rise to more high sodium, low quality foods. Also, housing becomes an issue and a family may be forced to move into a less ventilated home with air pollution problems. In this day and age, the health a person has that they intake (food, beverage, etc.) it seems the better for you, the more expensive the product is.
2. Lack of Healthcare
If an individual becomes sick a lack of healthcare becomes a major problem. If professional medical assistance is needed, most of the time an individual does not have the monetary resources to pay for a doctor visit out of pocket. This means that those who may need immediate medical attention may not receive it. Also, if an individual is in need of a visit other than to an ER and cannot afford it, they will be turned away. Healthcare is only needed after prevention fails.
3. STD's
The number of individuals diagnosed with an STD has jumped in the Indianapolis area. The only way to truly prevent the spread of STD's is prevention and the only prevention method that works completely is abstinence. AIDS is one of the STD's that has seen a sudden jump. Other STD's can stay with a person throughout their entire life, but AIDS can end a life.
4. Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease that can come to an individual by the foods that they eat. It is also more likely for people to be diagnosed with the disease if their family has a past history of the disease. Those individuals need to be even more careful with their dietary intake. Medications can help to decrease the risk of Diabetes symptoms, however, they do not completely take them away. There are different types of Diabetes, and depending on the person's food/beverage intake they can lesson the symptoms.
5. Heart Disease
Heart Disease is another illness that is preventable for most, but also a genetic influence for others. It is imperative that people who have this Disease are monitored, or problems including heart failure could arise. For those individuals where Heart Disease is preventable, a good way to further prevent any more complications is have a strict, regimented diet. Heart Disease is a chronic illness, and therefore not transferable via the air or contact with another human.
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