Tuesday, November 13, 2012

community trends in Petersburg Alaska

Community Trends in Petersburg, Alaska
By, Jessica Bringhurst

Interviewed,  Mariane Cushing, Public Health Nurse

1.      Drug abuse- Is a huge problem in Petersburg, Alaska and is no respecter of age or gender.  The most common drugs include alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, and methamphetamines.  The use of harder drugs, including cocaine and even heroine are increasingly rampant. These drugs provide unique health challenges to the community including heart disease, dental damage, fetal damage, crime, and accidental deaths.
2.      Unplanned pregnancies- Helping young people prevent unintended pregnancy is a challenge that teens, parents, and youth serving professionals, and the community as a whole must face. Petersburg’s Public Health department is currently trying to implement effective programs for use in the middle and high schools, community, and clinic which could help teens prevent pregnancy. These programs provide instruction on abstinence as well as contraception and condoms, and will help teens build the specific skills they need to protect themselves. There is some opposition with the school board and parents as to the age or grade level that this sexual education course should be offered.  And campaigning for additional, open and honest parent-child communication about sex, sexuality, and relationships is believed to help teens lower their risk behaviors and increase their use of contraception.
3.      Sexually Transmitted Diseases- Many young people engage in sexual risk behaviors that can result in unintended health outcomes.  STDs are illnesses that have a significant probability of transmission between humans by means of human sexual behavior, including vaginal intercourse, anal sex and oral sex. These high risk sexual activities are seen in the community of Petersburg Alaska at increasingly rates.   Sexual risk behaviors place adolescents at risk for HIV infection, other STDs, and unintended pregnancy. To reduce sexual risk behaviors and related health problems among youth, the school district and public health department is seeking to help young people adopt lifelong attitudes and behaviors that support their health and well-being—including behaviors that reduce the STD and unintended pregnancy rates.
4.      High risk sexual activity at younger agesSexual activity and high risk sexual behaviors are seen in the community of Petersburg Alaska at increasingly younger ages.  Ten years ago, youth reported being sexually active at an average of 15 to 17 years of age, now youth are reporting sexual activity between 12-14 years of age on average.  This shift in age poses several unique risks included unwanted pregnancy, STDs, usually from lack of education or availability of contraceptive devices.  Reported high risk activities include having multiple partners, oral and anal sex, unprotected sex, and homosexual activities.
5.      Accidental deaths and injuries- Petersburg, Alaska is a beautiful community offering a diverse range of outdoor activities, as it is surrounded by forests, mountains and ocean.  The primary occupation in Petersburg is commercial fishing.  This exposure to outdoor activities including, commercial and sports fishing, hunting, kayaking, hiking and camping in bear country create a dangerous environment.  Reports of accidents resulting in serious injury or death have significantly increased in the last 5 years. However the cause of this recent influx is unknown. The Public Health department is implementing or sponsoring several educational safety courses involving common activities including outdoor survival, bear safety, gun safety, first aid, etc to try to reduce the number of accidental deaths and injuries in the community.

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