Monday, November 12, 2012

Bob Ballew interviewed by James Nish

Davis County has seen several Public Health trends and issues arise recently. I spoke with Bob Ballew, the Public Information Officer/Risk Communication Coordinator of Davis County, Utah. Ballew is in charge of media relations and queries and sees many public health issues
firsthand as he coordinates with different health professionals on local, state, and federal levels. He also acts as an informant to the media about important health issues. I found his take on public health very interesting because he works with the media/promotion aspect of public health and views trends and cases differently than an epidemiologist would.
The trends and issues are more focused on promotion and prevention of healthy lifestyles and
behaviors in Davis County.

When I asked Ballew about trends or issues in public health, the first thing that came to his mind was
the senior citizens of Davis County. The Davis County Health Department has under its jurisdiction two
offices that normally are not considered in the public health arena. The Aging (senior) Services and
Weatherization Assistance are for age qualified and income qualified residents.
Additionally, there is a new campaign for senior citizens under the Health Promotion Bureau
called “Stepping On” which is aimed at helping senior citizens prevent injuries from falling down.
There is a 6-8 week course offered in one of the 3 Senior Activity Centers in Davis County where they are taught on preventative measures and what to do in the case of falling down. The goal of this
program is to prevent the aging population from causing serious injuries that require more healthcare

A large issue throughout most of the world is tobacco usage. Davis County Health Department will
support the Great American Smokeout on November 15, encouraging all smokers to quit for a day.
They also offer free services such as a health department speaker to talk to employees about helpful
strategies on quitting. In addition, Davis County Health Department recently has recognized 92
retailers for compliance with tobacco laws in not selling to underage smokers. The trend for Davis
County is showing that smoking is being prevented through such retail promotion techniques. By lowering supply through the enforcement of tobacco laws and lowering demand through media measures, the Health Promotion department is doing an excellent job.

The Davis County Health Department stays at the front of technology with new ways of preventing the influenza virus.  The issue in Davis County has not been an outbreak of the flu, but rather getting the word out about the flue and having a sufficient supply of flu vaccines.  Between the new vaccines like the nasal spray and the traditional shot, the trend in Davis County continues to move with technology to keep the residents safe and healthy.  With each release of the vaccine more and more people want to vaccinate themselves.  Bob explained to me the media efforts that the Health Promotion Department has been working on since August until now to get the word out through social media and print ads for the vaccine to be ready for the public.

Sodium consumption has increased nationally with the increased intake of processed foods.  Davis County has received a federal grant to use Health Promotion techniques to reduce the sodium intake.  Through school lunches, the Davis County Jail, senior activity centers, and local vendors the Health Promotion team is instructing about the dangers of high sodium consumption and reducing the quantity of sodium in each meal.  Because of this federal grant and efforts from the Health Department high blood pressure rates will drop in the future.

A final media query in Davis County deals with pertussis.  For the past year in the United States there has been a small outbreak of this infectious and preventable disease.  There have been several cases of this in Utah and because of it preventative measures have been taken to promote education against the diseases and making vaccinations available for the public.  In the past year this has helped contain and lower the amount of cases in Davis County.

As I talked with Ballew I was able to identify that Davis County has special health cases and concerns and also follows national public health trends.  From having jurisdiction of different services for senior citizens to following national standards on influenza vaccinations, Davis County continues to promote a healthy population not only by staying out of the hospital, but also by being physically, emotionally, and mentally healthy.  

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