Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lewis and Clark County Public Health trends

Kristin Dahl
Intro to Public Health
Lewis and Clark County
I spoke with Mike Henderson, administrator of the Disease Control and Prevention Division for the Lewis and Clark County. He told me these trends in the community and where to find more information on them on the county’s website.

1.       First case of the flu in Lewis and Clark county was October 24th of this year. He said there have been 11 cases reported this year. I think it is important to track these sicknesses so they can be controlled and the county can remain healthy. If these things were not cared for or overlooked sickness could spiral out of control. The community could be in danger and we should be thankful for the public health programs that are in place.
2.       Suicide is 21 percent of the deaths of youth and adolescents in Lewis and Clark country. They have implemented chat lines and programs to help counteract this mode of action. In the public schools there are posters of how to overcome this type of death. This shows the importance of public health. Programs implemented and counselors in the school help these people cope with these thoughts of suicide.
3.       Cancer and heart disease are prevalent in the elderly as the leading cause of death. Cancer seems to be a leading cause of death overall in this county. However, heart disease is the number one killer in the entire nation as a whole. This county just reflects that in their elderly population. It’s important to know this information so we can try to lower the amount of people that are dying due to these diseases. Although Montana is a state with one of the lower rates of cancer.
4.       There has been many people who have contracted asthma in Lewis and Clark County. He said many people in Montana have asthma. This could be due to the fact that it is so much wilderness. There is a lot of animals and different plant species in the area and likely cause many peoples allergies to spike and asthma as well. I did a little research and found out that high school students are the highest percentage of asthma amongst the different age groups.
5.       There have been a couple cases of gonnorhea in the county but less than three. He also said that most people in Lewis and Clark County receive their immunizations. These are both good trends within the community and it is cool that they keep a running tab of all of these cases. Public Health is reaching out to people and making communities flourish and be as healthy as possible. Hopefully these programs will continue to be reinforced and help people throughout the state, nation, and the entire world.

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