Monday, June 17, 2013

Amy Sorensen
Community trends assignment
Hlth 100
Davis County
Talked with Cindy, Epidemiologist

1.     Cryptosporidium
This is something that is really affecting the health of Davis County right now. Because it is summer and a lot of people are outdoors and swimming the spread of this disease is very rapid. It is a intestinal disease that causes diarrhea and sickness.
2.     STD’s
I was shocked to hear that this was the number one disease affected the health of Davis County. Cindy said that a big problem is online dating and finding sexual partners over the internet. This will continue to be a big problem and health threat for Davis County. Educational classes and preventative methods need to be taken.
3.     Air quality
This is a big issue in Davis County because of the mountains. Summertime is not as bad of a time, there can still be poor air quality. The winter months are when air quality is the worst. This affects the health of the community because poor air can cause many health problems including asthma.
4.     Obesity/inactivity
Locally and globally this is a huge problem. Obesity is problematic because it increases the rate of CVD, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. The lack of activity could be a number one contributing factor to obesity itself. Time needs to be spent for physical activity every day for every adult.
5.     Aging population
           Because of the baby boomer generation there are a lot of elderly people in Davis County. This
           affects healthcare and insurances and there is a higher rate of chronic disease. This also affects  
           the health of caretakers (usually family) because of the added stress of managing another person 
           and taking care of them.

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